These blogs will now be directed towards LoveCasting participants who show up for our Monday 5pm Pacific zoom calls plus others who visit the site and want to learn about this initiative. Everyone is welcome on the calls. The link is and the password is justlove
We have recorded some calls but I'm considering NOT doing that, so everyone feels safe to share their deepest and know it's contained and respected.
There were 11 of us online last night. Numbers vary and I think we had 20 once. We started with the breathing practice we're developing: breathe gratitude in, exhale appreciation out. Then we all checked in on our experience with Activation 6 on FUN, recalling memories of total enjoyment. As we acknowledged, that child lives within us still and the real purpose of life is to enjoy!
We did our group LoveCasting with a focus on someone of our choice who we sense is creating harm for others. I devised a seven step process for LoveCasting with such and this was our first experiment together.
My insight arose from a satsang I attended the morning after where the emphasis was on love... just love, which is my zoom password! No accident there. In the session, our conversation went into the value of focus when meditating or praying. I recalled an instructive story from years ago, apparentely true.
A mother tearfully informed her church group that her young son was dying of some terminal illness. They began to pray for him and, miraculously, he recovered. As an adult, he murdered someone. Som the moral dilemma is, should they have saved him with prayer?
One mother's son was dying. He survivied but because he did another mother's son died. Which one should have lived?
We can't make any kind of accurate judgment because we don't know the details and that's not our busness. Our business is Love. Learning how to give and receive Love without conditions. As we do, we become perceptive about how to direct it, whether in prayer or intention setting, etc.
If you would like to experiment with us and find out more about LoveCasting, please join us on Monday nights and make your comments below.