"You are taken, shaken, by moments when the improbability of our lives comes over you like a fever. Everything is remarkable, people, living, events present themselves to you with the immediacy of players in some barbarous and splendid drama that it seems we are part of.
"You have been given new eyes."
- Doris Lessing
You're not really here. Neither am I.
We see the body and hear the voice but we're coming from elsewhere, just like the news anchor on a television screen broadcasting from a distant studio. So, where are you coming from?
I woke up in the middle of a meditation last week to the tangible experience of myself streaming in from a non-geographical "location." This has happened before. In fact, it became a regular occurrence in the cave I built back in Oregon. But, this time, the feeling has persisted. I now experience myself as the transmission arriving in my body and broadcasting as my human self.
Sounds pretty cosmic and it is. Fortunately, it's not getting in my way. In fact, its improved my golf game. In other words, I can still function in my every day world. However, I do need help.
For starters, I'd like to have some company. Are you having this experience too? It's difficult to put into words but I'd like to discuss it with some like minded souls. You'll notice I've migrated my article to my web site so that you can comment below. Please let me know what your experience is and if you'd like some forum for discussing it.
Love Casting is all about broadcasting good vibes to others. But we can't give what we don't have. So, how connected are we to Source Energy? How tangible is that connectioin throughout the day, not just in meditation, prayer, at noon, or during Love Casting sessions?
It's become an overwhelming priority for me and effectively changed all aspects of my life experience. I could use some companionship in this and look forward to hearing back from any of you who are beginning to have this experience, in your own unique way.