In anothe recent post, we focused on decluttering our minds by visiting memories of troublesome moments in relationship and declaring “Hi (name), I love you, I’ve decided to tell a new story about us.” We celebrated the incredible difference it makes to begin with love, not to try to get to love.
In this post, we’ll direct our attention in the opposite direction by asking, “What am I filling my consciousness with?” We all day dream. In fact, there are probably thousands of moments every day when our minds drift from one random topic to another. We focus our attention whenever we become intent on some task, like I am right now writing these words. We cook meals, we talk with friends, we work on a project, we watch a film. So, our days are filled with extended periods of mental focus interspersed with frequent moments of day dreaming.
Those intervals are rich with potential.
Where does your random attention go? Great inventors throughout history have acknowledged that some of their greatest discoveries have arrived spontaneously in such moments. Most of us have had sudden realizations; I sometimes do in the shower! Bam, an idea hits me and I get it, the solution to some problem or an intriguing insight about my life. Other times there’s a gentle arrival, some idea or thought just drifts in to give me something of deep value.
Imagine being proactive about those moments to gain specific value from them. I’ve begun doing exactly that by establishing a program in my consciousness that runs quietly in the background, then emerges to fill those moments whenever they show up.
This program is emotion based, the result of a simple process I invented for identifying and installing a feeling magnet that is now pulling me towards my preferred future.
BTW, this is easier, more effective, and definitely more enjoyable than the usual – pushing towards a goal.
My magnetic feeling attractor is gratitude. I landed on this specific frequency through contemplation, wrote it out, then produced an audio declaration. I listen to this 3-minute combo of my voice and music last thing every night and first thing every morning. The constant repetition is carving strong new neural pathways in my brain. Now, this program arises in those day dream moments to fill the mind gaps when there’s no need for mental focus.
This means that I’m flooded with gratitude hundreds of times every day. Thoughts appear, ideas percolate, a whole creative universe lights up, accelerating my spiritual activation, intensifying my Love Casting into mass consciousness, and upliting my interchanges with others. Not a bad way to live!
If you are interested in learning more about this simple process, just email me at
So, throughout this next week, since you don’t have the audio program I created, just notice those day dream moments and choose what you want to fill them with. You’ll probably notice, as I did when I started, that all sorts of weird ideas and feelings are constantly battling for our attention and that we need to consciously assert ourselves to steer clear of thoughts and emotions that drag us down, like fear and anger and anxiety.
Identify one core feeling for your “carrier wave” and begin growing new neural connections through repetition. New habits take time to install and there is no substitute for repetition. If we quit before a new habit has replaced familiar ones, we just slip back into our old state and nothing has been gained.
Have fun with the process and email me about your insights. All these Love Casting techniques are in the experimental phase and anyone who is reading and trying them out is invited to help me perfect the processes so that others can benefit when I release them in the book and associated learning products.